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Strategic Vision

As the issue of gun violence grows and evolves, so must the systems that are built to respond and
transform this epidemic. In fact, we must grow faster and respond quicker to this ever evolving and
growing dilemma. While the evolution of the NYC Crisis Management System (CMS) has transformed
many neighborhoods, we are aware that there are pockets of our communities where violence still
flourishes. The following vision seeks to thwart and respond to this growing challenge.


Precision Prevention

ACTION: Target the 30 Precincts identified with the highest gun violence stats in NYC, and implement
precision, evidence-based strategies. Coordinate all available services and resources from City
Agencies, Community Based Organizations, and Public/Private Partnerships.

The existing NYC Crisis Management System (CMS) model has dismantled cycles of violence in many of
the most challenging areas of our city. This was achieved by strategically creating and targeting
catchment areas to interrupt the violence with wrap-around services. This model has proven to be
extremely effective in limiting, and in many cases, eliminating violence in these areas. The CMS model
can be viewed as precision targeting and those efforts will now be expanded into a model of Precision

Precision Prevention is an approach that is data-driven, and experience based to alleviate crime and
violence. It is targeted towards neighborhoods where extreme poverty levels, lack of access to healthy
foods, below average educational attainment, and overall community disinvestment, results in the
highest manifestation of crime and violence.

Precision Prevention will specifically identify resources and services that address every aspect of the
root causes of violence. Through inter-agency collaborations and financial focus, resources will be
categorized, prioritized, and directed into the “hot spots” where the highest volumes of violence exist.
Additionally, Precision Prevention Team Members (PPTM) will be deployed to intensify data collection
strategies and gain greater understanding of varying cycles of violence. This will ultimately result in
comprehensive evidence on community violence dynamics and create opportunities to continually
sophisticate and strengthen the violence prevention approach.


Strategic Partnerships

ACTION: Leverage relationships with Gun Violence Survivors, Faith Based Organizations, Community
Based Organizations/Associations, and the Mayor’s Office to create an inclusive network of violence
prevention leaders.

There are many individuals who are critical in the fight against gun violence and violence prevention;
however, they have yet to be formally invited and connected to the movement. This network will be
cultivated, expanded, and sustained. Individuals who command and attract communities will be
identified and incorporated into the prevention movement. This network of prevention leaders will
exist across New York City and include borough specific teams, with partnerships across the state and
country to amplify solutions and merge resources.

Moreover, partnerships will be strengthened and supported by deepening the relationships with key
people already in the movement, through on-going professional development, and intensified trainings.


Community and Digital Awareness Campaigns

ACTION: Create various youth-led Violence Awareness Campaigns specifically targeting the 30 NYC
precincts with the highest reports of crime and violence. These city-wide violence awareness campaigns
will build allyship and nurture the skills to help identify, respond, and engage violence before it happens,
when it happens, and in the aftermath.

Youth organizers and students will be selected to cultivate and coordinate the digital and “groundswell”
community campaigns to recruit other young people to become allies in the fight to end gun violence.
Campaigns will target social media platforms, educational institutions, community centers, and other
youth activated spaces.


Collaboration Efforts

ACTION: Determine streams of work executed within the Mayor’s Office and City departments that address root causes of violence. Identify ways to engage in cross-sector collaboration and expand the effectiveness and reach of violence prevention work. Discuss tracking mechanisms and indicators for monitoring prevention strategies, resources, and efficiency.


ACTION: Existing CMS workers will receive updated and relevant training for the professional and practical development as Firstline Responders. Systematizing core training modules for all CMS professionals is key. Issue-specific training will also be made available for CMS staff and professionals who are responding to unique challenges. Identifying innovative training programs and relevant facilitators is essential for long-term success.

Data Collection and Evaluation

ACTION: All CMS sites will begin to formalize a process for collecting, analyzing, and making data
available to improve overall efficacy.
Partnerships with various research and evaluation institutions will help to create this process.
Additionally, CMS professionals will be educated to allow for experienced input in the formation of the
process. Existing city agency responses to gun violence will be explored to identify opportunities for
cross-sector collaborations.


A. Replication

Specific components of existing CMS organizations with high efficacy, will be identified and replicated. The community center model utilized by Man Up! Inc. is a premier replicating strategy for successful violence prevention work. This model can only be implemented in various “hot spot” neighborhoods with concentrated and strategic business partnerships.
Occupying the Block during potentially high crime/violent activity hours, is another method that will be replicated. This requires an expansion of presence in targeted communities between the hours of 9:00pm and 1:00pm.

B. Rapid Response

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